Obama Admin Bringing Zampolits to US Civil Service

Czars, commissars, and Zampolit make sure there is not any wrong-think.

It is a delicate task to simultaneously guard hard-working federal personnel and expose the bad apples. And it takes different talents than those one would find in a counterintelligence analyst, human resources professional or information security professional. The insider threat discipline melds all those disciplines.
“It’s a privilege to work in that program. And the only reason that you are there is to help protect your colleagues, not to out them. So, we’ve got to professionalize that workforce of people who do this for a living,” said Patricia Larsen, co-director of the National Insider Threat Task Force. “They have to view themselves as part of a community.”

They will be well paid for enforcing the orthodoxy.  Nice, Middle Class Jobs:

Personnel with insider threat-related tasks can easily earn six-figure salaries in government or industry. Currently, there is an opening at OPM for a “Supervisory Intelligence Operations Specialist” with a salary between $106,263 and $138,136, whose responsibilities include insider threat awareness training, according to USAJobs.gov.

Obama Administration Aims to Create ‘Insider Threat’ Job Specialty to Plug Leaks